Travel info and parking

Getting Here

By Coach:

Delamere is within one hour’s travel by coach from most of Cheshire, Merseyside, South Manchester, Wirral, Flintshire and Wrexham. There are dedicated coach parking bays in the new Delamere Visitor car park

You can also visit us by train:

We have a station which is a short walk from the main forest, with hourly trains from Manchester and Chester. Each train can accomodate around 30 children; and offers a fun, affordable, environmentally friendly way to visit us. You will receive a 26% discount when booking 10 tickets or more through Group Travel Service on 0113 247 9659 if booked 7 days in advance.


There are a few car parks serving Delamere Forest however the following are the most suitable for access to the Forest Explorers site:

Delamere Forest Main Visitor Car Park (coaches included)

The main visitor car park is adjacent to the information centre, toilets, picnic area, cycle hire and café. It has designated spaces for visitors with disabilities and is close to the start point for all the trails.

Parking Charges

Car parking charges apply for school visits & school holiday sessions. A car parking discount is available for week day term-time sessions, this code will be given out at the session. 

For up to date car parking charges please visit the Delamere Forest website

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